Monday 17 October 2011


The world today is a revolution and suddenly everything seems possible, it all started with a rather controversial incident when one Mohamed Bouazizi a Tunisian fruit vendor decided to immolate himself and through the media we saw a quick rise that led to not only a revolution in Tunisia but through the entire strong Arab world which prior to these events would have thought to be impossible, yet these events have given rise to similar uprisings all around the globe.
It is no doubt that these events have seen a sharp divide in weather or not they are the best or even right way to go about societal problems. While I very much applaud the courageous fight of those who constantly struggle for social justice and whatever cause that they truly believe in we must stop to ask ourselves if in these century and times there is no better way to go about seeking for our rights, social equivalence, good and accountable governance .I can see people arguing the case of the Arab spring and events in that part of the world which I myself support to some extent but l can only go as far as appreciating the efforts for positive change but stop to ask myself if there is no better way to bring about change but start a revolution which sees many a nation lose more  resources in the very economy which such protests and riots fight to safe and even more sad the numerous lives  of its meaningful citizens. It should not be mistaken at any point that I am for tyranny or any form of governance that sees one man in rule over an entire nation for all his life as though he is the only one sane enough for such a job, and while I have so much admiration for a type of governance that comes from the people (democracy) I fail to see while suddenly riots, revolutions and protests have so quickly become a fade so admired and justified by many even when the reasons for such actions can barely be defined by those holding the very “stop the menace placards” and even so clearly cannot so clearly state the remedies to the issues they feel so strong enough to protest about, at this point I fore does not see a rationale behind someone who sees so clearly  the wrong in something but at the same time falls short of recommending a remedy or how to go about one.
This brings us to question if all the riots we see in the streets today should really be taken serious and if the people in question are asking for better governance which is clearly lacking in all or most facets of society or if the rioters in question are people who fail or do not try at all in making a life for themselves or fall short of been creative or innovative enough to create some meaning into their lives and make an over reliance on their own governments constantly seeing the cracks in the system and waiting to be spoon fed everything without making the slightest of efforts. What am saying here is not that governments and their various ministries not be held responsible but that people take more responsibilities of their lives and put more time into creating a life for themselves rather than take to the streets at the earliest or slightest of provocations and that other means be looked into as such protests that seem to start on a peaceful note can easily turn violent because of the mob mentality that is never lacking in such a gathering.
Again when I see where some of these protests come from like the wall the ongoing wall street protests and as they continue to gain momentum in other American cities and the rest of Europe and North America even when these people have far better means of life and even more responsible governments than say the rest of the world and more  specifically Africa where people still go about their daily businesses in the mist of far more worse conditions like living with less than three square meals with huge smiles over their faces like the world in which they live in is a paradise, the London riots  which saw heavy looting and destruction of personal and governments properties is what I find even more ridiculous and what I have come to see and have made of some of such riots is that people in this generation are becoming more lazy even when times  continue to prove there is no room for such and governments seem to be hitting their limits  and Legislation continues to be an issue where most law makers in these countries cannot find common ground. Isn’t this the time when people should more than ever focus on what they can produce rather than receive? Yet governments too must realize that with the technology and social media it is now easier than any other time in recent history for its citizens to organize and create a one voiced opinion no matter how narrow such may be and rise to its responsibilities which it continues to fall short of. 

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