Thursday 13 October 2011

How much do we value our Relationships?

Various and diverse levels and types of relationships are what form our very own society and  this covers friends, families, colleagues, teachers,sexual relationships,those living together,partnerships and marriages, Yet in today's  fast paced society they are the easiest to crumble and  with the various world economies falling the struggle for a better tomorrow for many becomes a desperate move to grasp whatever, at any cost. These relationships which define  our very own being become second fiddle as many people consciously or unconsciously turn to marry whatever it is that puts the meal on the table even at the cost of that which they once thought they believed in and could die for.
 One needs not search too far away to see how this has eaten deep into today's society, morals are no longer a standard but the other of the day simply is "to each his own" every one today defines their own right and  wrong and how dare you oppose a lifestyle that does not hinder you from living yours, the phrase 'its 2011" and not whatever year passed has lived out its meaning and those who speak up against the decay are simply thought to be backward or even still uncivilized. it  becomes so easy a thing to say once the alternative lifestyle does not hinder yours you should not be complaining yet we fail to understand that in today's world every body infringes on the other one way or another. We are no longer in control of what we see hear or partake in.with the rise of the internet and social media our personal or private space continues to decline by each passing second, how on earth can i challenge or stop what pops up in my Google search, how do i shut down my sight against the  often offensive twitter trends and how do i block such obscene content from unveiling right on my Facebook timeline. Our privacy space is fast eating up and our entire lives are monitored and viewed by governments, psychopaths, friend and foe alike,yet the staying away from this trend means been left behind.
  As we fail to seek and keep real and meaningful relationships in our daily lives we go in search for other means to create what i  refer to as artificial friendships through strange and computer enhanced avatars,photoshopping, or in extreme instances even stealing of photos of our favorite celebrities whom we idolize which try so hard to project a certain image and fake personas.We kill our lives in the real world to live in this make believe universe created by a rather awesome technology,this is at the expense of  family, loved ones, and as statistics have even shown personal health and growth. But even in the make believe world relationships sooner or later turn out to be not so safe a heaven as persons with no real life personalities or self worth keep to stalking, and even bullying which in some scenarios leads to mental break down or worst still untimely deaths. A New York Times report       shows that on the average teenagers and young adults spend an average of about six hours a day on online activity and since most are multi-tasking one would be really surprised the things we do with technology that turns to keep us isolated from the  world around us and helps drift our already shattering relationships further apart.
   We must come to realize that the internet, technology, gadgets and other all other products or services for that matter are marketed with the core aim of creating the "i need such a product/service psychology among its targeted consumers and such advertised benefits though real to some extent are to optimize sales and engaging in a particular lifestyle of  buy buy to fill the voids of our rather personal relationships wont work and so does attempting to live an artificial lifestyle online or else where. To curb this continuous isolation that threatens  unity and relationships at so many levels their must be a conscious effort to set our priorities straight and at the same time to build and nurture value the relationships which matter to us most  and at the same time balance our work lives with what ever and whoever we care to build a relationship with .
 Remain blessed and stay fly. - Gil-b   

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