Saturday 15 October 2011

Are celebrities worth the charm ?

As human beings we naturally feel the urge or want to have someone we could look up to, the question how ever is are the people whom we look up to so well and interestingly feel a sense of connection and perhaps relationship worth it? Are their actions or in-actions really worth looking up to? Is it however possible that we can separate a person's craft or talent as the case may be from the person in question? How can we like and appreciate a person's work without feeling the need to see the person as a godlike or role model figure in today's society? Is everyone out there today performing or participating the so called art worth  the nowadays easily abused word "role model", "celebrity”? Why celebrate a group of people who cannot honestly say what or why they do whatever it is they do. The questions could go on and on but i think the point is well made.
 It is fast becoming like a cult among the diehard fans of the various celebrities who parade our entertainment outlets 24/7 and are all over the social media. With all the epidemics that befall our today's world is rather terrible that  it won’t take a genius to realize that  eighty percent of all trending topics at any time of the day are either about celebrity or another, a related story which could be as petty as the designer dress they wore to a red carpet event, this makes one wonder if the  whole world has rather nothing better to do  than throw light on the already over exposed celebrities of our time while their remain a thousand and one issues that need our attention, our voice and our ultimate exposure, for instance the ongoing CNN freedom project together with the United Nations claims that the human trafficking business is an industry is such a lucrative enterprise with an estimated $8 to $10 billion dollars in in revenue, for  such an industry with huge revenue it is nearly impossible for everyone to claim they don't know about such a menace when reality is  that these crimes often take place right under our noses but we are too busy  to notice, this is just one in many a  list of issues that need to be seen and heard and such is an issue that with the right amount of awareness could easily see a drastic down turn, and armed with the social media today i can rightly say it is a fight that you and i need not wait for any security or special task force to start  yet we choose to overlook these issues concerning everyday people which we are and as such should matter to us most  dedicate our rather  limited time to worshiping people who honestly care less about what we do and more about the $ they continue to bank.
This is not to say I myself  do not have a favorite singer, dancer, or writer but it the case here is that  they are taken too seriously and have proven to have so much more impact on us for whatever reason that still alludes me.
 A quick glance at  any Forbes most powerful/influential list will quick show you how far our obsession with this mostly half baked celebrities have gone.  I am not for one arguing that art or whatever is passed on as it should not be appreciated or the person bearing it, but when actors, dancers, and reality stars aka those who do nothing but go about from one social event to another become more influential, important and are accorded more respect than religious leaders, scientist, activists, authors, journalist  in a society then something is terribly wrong with such a society that needs fixing yet is those earlier mentioned that capture our hearts so  much that we dedicate our entire lives to promoting them we are so quick to use these so called role models as a measure of  beauty and all that is perfect even when  the credit of half their bodies goes to surgeons in down town LA, and their picture perfect pose  polished and airbrushed by some computer geek in a Kodak photo lab somewhere around town. These days seldom do role models come from within the family or  great leaders, it all goes to the ladies who are quick to stroke their pelvis in re-thyme to some overplayed lyrics on radio who becomes the person looked up to by a young girl whose dream is to become a doctor, and so is  the young man whose dream is to become an academician but has a forty year old rapper whose signature look is sagging pants, perhaps the young ones are not to be blamed but the media which makes it even harder for these young people to be exposed to any other thing other than the that which has the glitz and glamour or its the young man who chooses gossips blogs as his go to source of information and feels the best way to kill time commuting to work  is to  bury his head in the iPod or spend this last two cents on chewing gum than  picking the that national daily on the news stand that is to blame but truth be told we need to stop dedicating our time to these people and issues  and focus on the those that matter most to us.

1 comment:

  1. please i encourage you guys to leave your comments here.tanks
