Tuesday 18 October 2011


We leave in a universe where our opinions are shaped by different and distant factors such as the media and popularity complex and the irony is though you may be in denial at first but a deep  look down within reveals how u are the least factor in making your decisions, just about more than half the times. It’s a shame that we live in times where we are measured by the material things we are able to gather, even more shocking is the fact that in most cases questioning the means to such wealth does not even come to mind as we turn to see people not through the inner self but through that which they surround themselves with physically.
People spend so much time looking or searching for that which is beyond their reach and often a time miss out on that which was right beside them all along. This includes our personal targets, aims and goals in live as we spend most of our lives dreaming about that life changing moments instead of reaching and creating one for ourselves with the instruments right in our palms, same could be said of a lady who dreams about an exotic prince sweeping her off her fit without stopping for a moment to consider if the right prince is by her side. Ever present within us is the consciousness that its better at the other side  of the fence and yes sometimes it really is  but most times the harsh reality is if giving the chance to taste the soil on the other side we would then appreciate what we have and live the rest of our lives in gratitude. Too many times in life do I see people praying, dreaming and fighting for their dreams yet when that dream finally shows up on their door step and we so quickly begin the ride only to realize sooner than later that there is nothing like a perfect road leading to a place of dreams at least not here perhaps in an alternate universe yes. When these happens I see people who were once thought fighters give up before the race even begins all because in life we fail to realize that all responsibilities and positions come’s with them their territories which we must all embrace without  so much of a choice. Take the life of a young man who all his life dreams about becoming a famous actor, (it guy) for the ladies but then forgets that with such territory comes a life of constant scrutiny and that there is nothing such as personal space, yes the paparazzi’s would do anything for a scandalous photo even if it means getting a helicopter to roam your ten hectare mansion, we must realize that sometimes the realities of life can be harsh and  most often than we may want  there is nothing we can do about it. For those who choose to live the their lives in the media they must accept the fact that it’s a love hate relationship that you can have at best nothing more, take the life of super star Beyoncé for instance whose pregnancy announcement on the 2011 MTV video music awards broke twitter  records with 8,860 tweets per  second it’s no surprise that the awards was soon known to become MTV most watched awards bringing a total of  12.4 million viewers, Google also announced it reached “breakout levels” concerning Beyoncé’s pregnancy announcement as she soon became the most searched item on its site, while I guess Beyoncé was feeling the love then but  suddenly during an interview  that aired on TV  which people claimed her baby bump folded inwards she was soon in the headlines again for claim that she faked the pregnancy  though her rep soon shutdown the rumors such is the love hate relationship that people in the media  or those whom the society see as role models shall face.
We must come to realize that material belongings of any sort do not define us as persons and that only we alone and our behaviors’ define who we are and spending time trying to create a certain public image so that we are perceived a certain way is sure a waste of time and so is spending our limited resources buying the things we know we do not need/want or living a certain lifestyle out of our means. All this is vain as our true priorities are those that we have  within us that sometimes make so much meaning to us and non to others, life to many would be much better if we all stop trying so hard to live beyond our means at the same time realizing and appreciating what we have instead of looking away for that which is alien to us.  

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