Sunday 30 October 2011

Making change Vs. Excuses

The world we live in is not always fair to us and neither does it always give every one of us an equal playing ground. It is true that we face many challenges, adversities or what whatever you choose to call it. We often fall short of controlling ourselves not to mention the immediate environment which we find ourselves or the society, and we fail to realize that the world promises us nothing and only we are responsible for ourselves.          We are so quick to credit ourselves with the little accomplishments we achieve in our individual lives yet slow to take responsibility of our failures.  So often we see the world affecting our decisions, taking us down that we fail to embrace the truth that we are what we make of ourselves and only we can create and shape that which we want of ourselves. I am a firm believer that there is always  the right way and that it is the actions and inactions of  our daily lives that shape us  and yield results, be them positive or negative. The way we see the obstacles of life and handle them impacts us a great deal more than we often can see.
     We feel not an iota of shame to state the reasons why the ex -college class mate achieves so much greatness over us but fail to ask ourselves why we seem to know the ingredients to success yet fail woefully at our very own endeavors, so often do we give excuses for while we fail at our college exam, office duties that we close our eyes to the fact that the person right behind us excelled in the same circumstances. These days we spend little or no time in trying to better ourselves and burry ourselves in troubles such as finding excuses and blaming our failures on the people and environment around us. We hold onto the past so much that we forget moving on is always a readily available option for us in life. why would a sixty year old adult blame his entire life failures on their parents  when they should have taken charge of their lives  a long time ago directing which way the tides of life pushed them?  Why does the young man who spends the better part of his week at bars and clubs feels it right to blame his long gone father who was a drunk for  his present sorrow cleansing addiction , for how many generations must the chain continue and to whom shall the responsibility of breaking it lie under?
    The married lady justifies her long absence from her children for the love of her career saying it helps her keep her sanity, the young man blames his newly found love (alcohol) on his nagging wife, the young man who does not know how to earn a day’s wages feel it right to blame the government for his lack of a decent meal. Until we realize that we are better off making changes than excuses we will always find ourselves fixing blame on the nearest person after the opportunities are long gone. Until we learn to take responsibilities of our mistakes we shall not grow and try to fix them, not until we learn to fix things when we notice them wrong, we will never be agents of positive change but irrelevant people who will always be forgotten or ever remembered for our lack of efforts.

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