Tuesday 15 November 2011

when jungle justice becomes the order of the day.

If recent events are any thing to go by i can rightfully say society instead of pushing forward  is indeed taking a backward shift for the most part. We are beginning to see our selves slowly for significantly falling back into the stone ages where each man made his laws and lived by them instead of agreeing to be governed a live by a set of agreed upon standard law  that governs a particular group of people in within any defined boundaries.
     Can any one imagine us nowimagine living in a world where each one us us took laws in to our hands, where jungle justice was melted down on the streets for anyone who who dared step on any toes or crossed some otherwise stipulated boundaries? Yet such is the order of the day today. We watched keenly on our television sets the Arab spring and the  Libyan revolution  unfold I just like many others wanted justice for the people, the civilians who took the streets asking that the dictatorial governance of forty years be dissolved, for a stable and lawful democracy to have a chance, the movement was gained much applause and sympathy form people the world over until the Dictator and allies where killed in broad day light. call it a mob mentality or whatever you choose but it would have been a better lesson morally or otherwise had the now late Gaddafi not been killed the way he was but instead made to face a lawful court for  the the billion crimes he committed against his people, yes he killed  many children and made many more orphans through  his dysfunctional system and had no plans for a retreat of any sort but did killing Him make the people who did seek for a better system any different from him?
 As much as we sympathize with the Libyans for their many looses and rejoice that the once dictator just got served his own dose of medicine, their is always a right way of doing things and that way only should be followed in seeking justice. 
  Coming from Africa Nigeria to be precise i am seeing a trend on the rise from that part of the world where people are judged and sentenced by what i call the "street assembly", people pronouncing judgement on the streets like they own them.One particular but not peculiar case got my attention where a young lady was beaten and and left naked in the streets to the applause of passerby's all for a stolen phone, the fact that this is one among many videos that are now a reoccurring trend on social networks begs to answer the question that what are the security personnel and law courts for if we are to settle our scores like the untamed animals in the southern African reserves? Should the infamous survival of the fittest that was long forgotten about be reintroduced  to our daily lives, should people be allowed to melt out what ever punishment they seem feet to their offenders, or should any one who does  wrong be dealt with by the people present as they deem fit? these questions and many more must be answered before we go about pouring out the so called street justice on the next victim of this barbaric act.

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