Friday 25 November 2011

Smile while You can.

I just received some very sad news today about a neighbor who slumped and died,(God rest Her soul) and it hit me life was indeed short, we keep saying it without actually realizing that it is. She woke up healthy and thought it was just going to be another day in her life when it was going to be her last. Truth be told we all know we are going to die at some point but we keep believing we will live until we grow old and achieve all that it is to then only we shall die but sadly  that is not how it always works.
Death to most is a scary thought yet it is a path that we and all that we love one day shall depart. I understand why some will think it strange that am writing and on topic such as death in a period like this but the point is if we realize that we can’t help tell when we shall die then I think that alone is reason enough to keep smiling and making the next person smile and break that frown, wall or whatever it may be. My point here is let us all try leaving like each moment was our last  and am thinking no one wants to die crying or frowning for whatever reason.
We live our lives setting for ourselves numerous goals and getting depressed or frustrated when we don’t seem to be reaching them and fail to realize that nothing is promised, perhaps we need to live expecting nothing? My  case here is live while you can appreciate your accomplishments when you need to, show some love to someone, say thank you to the person who does that nice little gesture, express your love to a loved one, when you see someone who seems troubled don’t go pretending all is alright or that you can’t help, stop by and ask what is going on, sometimes a listening ear is all that is needed and they say love just like hate does come back around so show some lots of love and you will sure get plentiful back in return  and finally live your life while you can, do that thing that you so dread to do, take risks, take a break from that hectic job trying to safe all up for retirement and have that dream vacation and when you think life is been unfair to you watch CNN’s life untold stories or better still volunteer at the hospital  and see what it is they call pain. Whatever it is you do keep the smile on, and be thankful that you are here and alive. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys recommended i make the articles shorter so just like u can see i adhered to it and henceforth no most is going to exceeded 550 words except i need to pour out my soul real bad in which case i think you will bear with me
